Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays are almost over

I am glad for it, though somehow I always miss them as they pass.

The pressure to smile and be cheerful will dissipate with the christmas lights and sale signs.

I had a nice trip upstate. He chased my nightmares off again. They were particularly bad this weekend. Waking nightmares, you might say. It is irrelevant, though. Dreams are dreams. They pass. I am waiting for the tenuous tendrils that remain to drift away with the holiday blues.

There is a strange light on the far away -
I can't help but look, though..

What is real?

Only we can say, I suppose. Our beliefs answer that question.


1 comment:

dragonflies on lamp posts said...

I agree with you, as much as I love the who look and feel of it, I am so glad they are over. Hell, I even took down the tree and decorations already.

I hope the horizon moves closer.