Thursday, November 13, 2008

the sandman steals my tears at night

I wonder how many people are having orgasms right now..

Would knowing
make time race?

Would it stretch
the frozen pause
before that first kiss?

Or would the distraction
prove too much?

When did I stop believing in god?

He never answered my question.

"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Feathery fingers spoke instead
of knowledge & the loss of virtue
'neath an ancient old tree
behind an abandoned apartment.

What does music sound like from inside the guitar?

The silent aftermath of lust
the way it steals your faith
& lingers long after goodbye

Cold sheets
and shoulders
Percussive -
& more burden
than comfort

Ignored prayers


The hushed congregation
of dust on the bureau
in the corner?

Do you sleep with the lights on?

Remnants of belief
settle at dusk –

& cool lips
whisper unprayers
to a god
that never existed.


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